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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Greater things! @ 2:31 AM

Hello guys!
Just wanna share with you guys my Yellow Ribbon run! Idk how many people are actually still checking this place out, but no harm blogging. hahaha.
As some of you guys know, i actually joined this 6km run with a few of the DGs and during the whole of the race i got this revelation.
i was actually struggling to wake up and go for the run, but i had this "thing" that keeps prompting me to go for the run. So i did.
Was just thinking that in this run, I paid $30 for joining this race, got my goodie bag in the beginning, decided to put down this sunday morning and sacrifice my sleep to run, and during this race, it rained, i was dripping with sweat, yet it's covered by the rain and no one knows how "irritating" and "sticky" it is but deep inside my heart i know it's sianzxz.
& all this just reminded me of this life time race i signed myself up for, paying the price to run when i run up to the altar to "sign up" myself for this kingdom of God, yet if i don't turn up for the rest of the run, i'm wasting my price that i paid in the beginning. & wasting this goodie bag, God prepared for me to survive this race!
Throughout this race, my tears are flowing down but people can't see yet we have to continue to run to the very end. But i know deep inside my heart stays the Holy Spirit, who knows everything, the things i'm going thru. & this, i should be encouraged cause i'm not alone.
Our lives is just like this run in the rain, things happen when we entered and decided to enter it in the first place, but i know when we start to complete what we started at the beginning and be a good finisher, the bible also says that our Father in Heaven will help us!
Phil 1:6 (NLT)And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.You know guys! It's time to start running this race again, some of us might be walking slowly, relaxing now, but now it's time to catch up the speed, the same speed the Holy Spirit is going and flow tgt with Him.
God is good to those who are willing to seek Him first.
God loves us and regardless of what we done, He loves us still.
So love God too!!!
I love you W524, I believe strongly that greater things will come to everyone's life!
Jieying, boon, val, joshua, stanley, jingying, guanzhi, xinyi, kristacia, kelvin, mitchell, faith, jane, jamie, shireen, shirley, charmaine, kohong and others who are gonna be added to our small family in future.
Pray that those who went for KEL zone meeting was really blessed by our dearest ZS Kelvin, cause i really caught this fire that Kelvin has, his vision for our zone. Let's catch this fire so strong guys! We're all part of this wonderful great zone called the KEL ZONE! :D
LOVE YOU GUYS! :DWith Lots of Love,